Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Leaving on a....

Jet plane!  We're packed and ready to go.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love traveling with my kids?! Well I LOVE it.   I've traveled with them since they were babies, we have a routine, and it's believe it or not super easy!  We ALWAYS travel light only packing the essentials.  Both kids pack their own, and for carry on's,  pack what they are willing to carry!
People laugh but I love airports and I love being on the plane (perhaps this what lead to my previous employement with United).  I am one of those that gets there AT least 2 hours before, love it.  Love sitting down feeling organized and people watching.  The plane ride, good lord, when esle do I have HOURS to sit and read, seriously the longer the better!
Off to the big city we go.  We've got a lot on our list, Luke's choice was a Yankees game, and Lo was a broadway play, mine Ellis Island! 

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