Sunday, July 29, 2012

Staying Home

Sometimes (or really ever since my kids were born) I really want to be a stay at home Mom.  Clearly this is not possible for me, and now that both kids are in school (and one almost out for that matter) I kind of missed the boat on that.  But to those that are, I think what an amazing gift you are able to give your kids!
Today was one of those perfect mornings, I wish could happen everyday.  Early morning long run before the kids woke up, home to make breakfast, make coffee, and have time to drink it.  Then onto outside work on the yard and garden, the kids picked up the rotting apricots (they each got paid $5) something I did as a kid.  After our hard work, reaped the awards and poured myself my favorite summer beverage and enjoyed reading in the hammock.   For all the cursing  I do at this old home, I really do love working and creating something of it!
Other than actually touching the bacon, I love making a big breakfast

Taking a "break" from picking up apricots


Kristen said...

Your love for your kids really really shows!

Tell me how to make your fave drink! I'm in the market for something new :)

Jenni said...

Thanks Kristen, I do!
Ok favorite drink is just a little sweet tea vodka, and sweet tea. If I have lemonade I add that too!