Monday, April 28, 2014


As a rule I don't listen to music when I run, and certainly not when I bike. I guess the exception would be of I were running on a treadmill, and since I gave mine away last year and I can count on one hand how many times I ran at the gym, it doesn't happen. I use that time to reflect, find perspective, or even just hear myself breath, I crave quiet time like others crave sweets!
For Christmas Rick gave me a waterproof Ipod (I had been admiring my friend JK's) for the pool. I enjoy open water swimming and even the 50 meter city pool that opens in I the summer, but swimming back and forth for over a mile in a 25 yard pool is a challenge for me, hoping music will help! Earlier this week I sat down and made my playlist, was so giddy when this is what I came up with.
The fact that I remembered Shaggy felt like my playlist was complete. My son was kind enough to put the music on my device. I took it to the gym on Sunday, Peace Train was the first to come on. My sit-ups have never looked so good!

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