Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tired (with a capital T)

I did it, mangaged to completely wipe myself out while the kids were gone. I didn't stop, work and long hard workouts, the only thing missing was sleep. Which was the purpose behind this madness. It wasn't because I didn't want to, but I also took advantage of being able to watch a movie with my fiancé. Most of our nights we have a certain little 12 year right in the middle of us, our lives are clearly centered around her, and a documentary on cycling really doesn't interest her. So lots of work, working out and quality time with my man. My kiddos came home at noon yesterday (hallelujah) we spent a few hours getting ready for our trip to NYC, then went to track workout. It was here the extent of my exhaustion was felt. The workout was one I was excited about (1-mile slow warm up, drills, 1 mile of jog the straights sprints the corners, 2x400, 3x300 and 4x200 all with about a 2 minute jog recovery on between), once we hit the second mile I knew I had succeeded in wiping myself out, yikes that workout was not pleasant for me!
This morning the temptation of the opened foothills trails and the guilt of leaving my dog got me out of bed early once again to go for a sunrise trail run, as tired as I was this was one of those times I am able to count my blessing that I get to enjoy this.
Now after sleeping the thirty minute flight from Wenatchee to Seattle and the first 2.5 hours of our 4 hour 35 minute flight to NYC I'm feeling quite refreshed and ready to go! Perhaps I was saving all this up just so I could sleep on the plane!
Few photos all in a day!
Enjoy the solitude and wide open spaces early this morning
Plane time SEA-JFK
Made it! Hustle and bustle at 11:30 pm

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