Monday, April 14, 2014


It's here in full force. The balsam root is blooming on the foothills, the sun is out, temperatures are warming. Along with that comes our days of gusty winds and for me the dreaded ALLERGIES. Was feeling so good when we got back from NYC, then home got me! I can't help but be outside soaking it all in, and I pay the price with dry itchy eyes and sinus pressure!
I'm not really a yard person, but I have one so I can't ignore it. I love to mow and tend to a vegetable garden, but that's it. However that initial get go is always a little inspiring.
Getting the mower out means exposing neighbors to my white legs.
Turned the water on and made sure all our sprinklers were adjustd just right. Kaiser thinks his is ALL for him, he LOVES sprinklers.
This is why I ride, I get to take in all the great seasons, see our nearby surroundings and REALLY appreciate it.
Poor guy didn't get out to Sage for over a week because of my spring cold. This time of year the foothills change so fast, for now it's great and starting to see signs of the balsam root, in a week or two it will be covered, then a few weeks from there things will start to dry out and it won't be quite so pretty. I love our trails here. Thankfully Rick has biked them all so now I know exactly where different one leads and connect to other trails. This time of year you won't find me in a gym, ALL my spare time is spent here or on the bike.

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