Sunday, September 7, 2014


It's morning and I am sitting on the deck listening to the sounds of the river, watching two young deer, in my favorite place with some of my favorite people. Contentment. There was a time when I felt the "need" for a new car, new animal, new anything, I even entertained another child, but it was all trying to fill some void I couldn't put my finger on. I still don't know what it was, but I know I no longer desire any of those things, I am happy and calm. My only desire is to be with those I love. My life is very good. I feel my soul and spirit nurtured daily.
Next year I will marry a man, that brings so much good to mine and my children's life. I am excited to love, support and encourage him daily as he has done for us the last three years. I am grateful for all the practical life skills he has shared with my son, and the joy he has brought my daughter. This weekend things got real, we've been wedding venue scouting with my daughter as well as a little R&R mixed in. I am lucky.
I snapped pictures here since they were setting up for a wedding. Will share more venue ones after today.

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