Friday, September 19, 2014


It's been a busy, chaotic, stressful week. Thank goodness for Rick, my kids and the outdoors (and the pool), without them I may have cracked!

Lo and I took my Moms cousin, from Austria (not using my German for years has not been beneficial), out for a quick hike to Lake Clara last night. The colors have just started to change and it was gorgeous.
Today my good friend was visiting from Boston, we had made plans to run (he's training for the DC marathon), but after the crazy week, I really felt the NEED to get to my favorite place, Lake Valhalla. My son and I had taken the longer route (from Stevens Pass ski resort instead of Smithbrook) a few weeks ago. It was such an awesome 12 mile RT trail I really wanted to get back and run it. So I mentioned it to him, he was game! I just love that about him! Gorgeous day in Wenatchee, we got to the top of the pass to find rain, but went for it. It was muddy and wet going out, but as we hit the lake the sky cleared, sun came out (it really is a magical place). We had the trail and lake entirely to ourselves, just what I needed. No cell service (Rick is the emergency contact when I am out of range), not internet or people. Thanks Mike, looking forward to it again!
A little weather (rain and sweat) at the lake

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