Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bike Please!

The report on our challenge is good.  I didn't drive once on Tuesday and only to take Luke to Drivers Ed Wednesday and tonight, otherwise it's been walk and bike.  We needed to get back into this habit!

I first started biking 5 years ago with my ex.  This was something he wanted me to do, and I was eager to be able to do it with him.  I enjoyed it so much I took to it instantly.  Now I am with a man that is an excellent cyclist.  He is so good, it's fun to watch.  But more than that it makes me want to get better, and put the time in on the bike.  I have learned how to be a more efficient rider, to climb faster, to train smarter and I am slowly learning all the different components of the bike and how different ones better suite different rides. 

I've been treating myself every other weekend, when the kids are at their Dads, with long rides (60 +) miles.  This is such a luxury to me, to have that time on the bike.  My favorite place has always been biking to Leavenworth and Lake Wenatchee, but you have to have time to do it.  Now every other weekend I have all the time in the world for it.

These are a few photos from last week done on my point and shoot.  The first few are heading up Joe Miller and the heights, the others are Peshastian and Leavenworth.  I think these say it all!
Up Joe Miller

Past the church


Heading up the Icicle

Two awesome cyclist!  End of the paved road at the Icicle

1 comment:

**nicke... said...

i love that area so much! i wish we lived there!