Monday, May 14, 2012

We're taking the challenge

We're Hakensen's and we bike!  It's bike to work week, and it just happens to coincide with my car going into the shop tomorrow for a few days.  The goal: we will bike and walk everywhere with the exception of getting Luke to drivers Ed and today I plan to get my URM and Costco runs done, so the rest of the week we should have very few excuses!
Before my ex jumped ship on his parental responsibilities he used to take the kids to school in the morning, and I was a year round bike commuter, I LOVED it.  Now there are some logistical problems I can't seem to get around, mainly getting Lo to daycare at 6:15, but there's no reason Mondays we can't do it, and Thursday mornings I can do it.  This is an important part of my life and living by example for my children, so I am vowing to get back to it!  Today's a start!

The essentials!


Kristen said...

Hey Jenny - Can I ask how you are getting your photos so big on your posts? Mine are currently posting really small and I'm not sure what to do. :(

Jenni said...

I had to have my sister change my blog format...I'll ask her!

Kristen said...

Oh thank you! I am seriously at my wits end!! ;)