Saturday, January 26, 2013


Sitting here waiting for Lo to get home from the Wild game, Rick was showing me a few videos to help with my skate technique. Rick's a great teacher, but since I won't be loaning him out, I'll share the video.

For friends in the area wanting to ski or know the different options. We have 3 in Leavenworth (when there's enough snow). My personal favorite is the Icicle River Trail (hatchery), probably  because it has the biggest loop, one full loop is 8k. However weekends get crowded. If you get there and  ski  before 10 its great, otherwise I  head to the golf course, on the weekend.  The GC has beautiful scenery, however it's only groomed when there's enough snow.  We haven't had new snow lately so it's only being groomed weekends, which is actually perfect alternative on weekends. Only downside to the golf course (or maybe this is a plus) while they have groomed 8k of skiing trails, no lap  is any more than 4k, so you have to do a lot of laps to get in a good ski.  Last Sunday I did 5 laps with my garmin to map out all options, I didn't repeat any patterns, so at least it varies, but they are short...which if you want to take your kids, it's a great place away from the crowds and easy (just keep them away from one steep hill inside the Tumwater trail) and deer seem to always be out.
Ski hill, is dang hilly! Great if you want something different and really want to work your legs. I never get in much of a rhythm there because it always feels like I am going up a hill, and time wise from Wenatchee this takes the longest to get to.
Hope that helps, happy skiing!

If you're wondering my main problem is I power from mostly one side.  I like the "finding friends" drill and the balance  (which I also need help on) drill. 

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