Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Resolution Time

I like New Years resolutions.  Quite honestly I put a lot of thought into them each year, about what it will be, how will it improve my life.  This years was easy, so easy I made a couple.

First on my list is cell phone off at 7.  We already have the rule  no cell phones in stores or at dinner.  Now after 7 mine is off, unless the kids aren't with me then it will be on for them.  I didn't typically get on my phone in the evening but here and there I'd be texting, and before you know it it's time for bed and there went my evening with the kids.  Evenings are somewhat sacred to me, I love our time, and rarely have anything scheduled, if I found myself wasting it by being on the phone, I'd be so disappointed in myself.  So off they  go!

Second, now I typically don't do any "diet" type resolutions, but this year it's about cutting out the fake stuff, as in all things labeled diet, or sugar free.  I've gotten better over the last few years, but it's hard to make the shift.

And last is kind of a beauty or perhaps lack thereof.  This past year or two, I have felt more comfortable with myself.  Beautiful and happy.  My favorite pictures of myself are often with my hair barely brushed and little make-up.  I like the natural me, always have.  But had always struggled with trying to be what my "other" wanted, tall and thin I had down, but I don't like the glamour and glitz.  I am a beach bum at heart.  I don't dye my hair, and  rarely even get it styled (I will say if I go grey I reserve the right to decided then whether to dye my hair or not),  I have thick hair, with a lot of body, I don't blow dry, or put product in it, now I am aiming to "train" it and only wash it every 4 days.  I've always been an every other day girl, but this year I am going even less maintenence, this I may or may not be able to pull off, but I like the idea!

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