Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I Juiced

And failed. I really don't think drinking my calories is for me. Seemed like a good idea, I have the worst breakfast habits. I work early and it's crazy busy, so I drink an Americano throughout the morning, come home grab a snack at noon and workout. My workouts are getting longer and harder so thought if I could blend up a bunch of fruits and veggies and drink it throughout the morning that would be awesome. Today was all things I like to eat Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, orange, pomegranate seeds, spinach, chia seeds and almond butter......not for me!
Now I'm home eating leftover Cobb salad (but vegetarian style, so not really Cobb at all), and drinking a glass of water with chia seeds.
What can I say...I prefer to eat my calories!


Kristen said...

That is what I've heard other people say as well. Have you always been a vegetarian? Any tips on becoming one? I've always wanted to switch over, but I really *like* meat. Would love your thoughts! :)

Jenni said...

I am technically pescatarian! I eat fish, but no meat, and have been for 13 years. But the things is I never really liked meat so it was no big deal. As a vegetarian though I do not fall into the diet trends because I need a balance of everything. At this point I don't remember a difference in how I felt before versus after becoming a vegetarian. I struggle at times to get enough iron and protein and can tell when my energy level is low....good thing though I love greens!