Monday, June 9, 2014


The month of May my kids were with me every weekend. In that time we settled nicely into "our" normal routine. Life was like before we were a split household (just minus my Ex). It was great, we were all so relax, no having to pack and change a household for the weekend, but it came to an end this weekend. This doesn't get easier with time. Granted it was nice to have some alone time with my fiancé, but my kids are very much a part of our life, we enjoy parenting, and enjoy all our time with them.
Lo and I have our "pre" head to her Dads weekend ritual. Typically she and I and if my son is around, we just chill together watching a movie. He had a "friend" over so Lo and I were demoted to the upstairs living room and iPad.
(And of course AnnaBelle too)
Did get to hang out with my cutie Saturday as she babysat. So proud of her, she was asked to watch two kids on Saturday for a while, without hesitation she wanted to, and after checking with her Dad she was able to do so. It started with two, I joined her after I got off work to help with lunch and going to the park, but she ended up with three kids and almost seven hours. I kind of sit back and help where needed, but this girl is engaged the entire time with the kids playing. It's the exact way I would want a sitter to be. Granted she was tired after, but she was happy to do it.
A quick snapshot she took on the swings between pushing (I had forgotten how fun the swings could be, and the kids she was babysitting love the swings), good times by all.
Happy to have them home. Enjoying snuggles on the couch watching what is Lo's and my favorite night in television (we have to hijack Ricks tv for this), the Tony awards!
Minus the fact that I am "selfie" challenged and not looking the right way in the photo, but this is the blue eyes club!

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