Saturday, September 8, 2012

Two Wheels

School has started and I have decided to still take off Fridays.  The plan is to use it as a me day.  Life certainly evolves, when my kids were little my afternoons and days off meant extra snuggles on the couch, a picnic, a park date or a walk in the stroller.  I now have two very busy kids, in school all day. In an attempt to let them chill on the weekends (Lo especially) I usually clean and do yard work on Saturday if we have nothing going on, so I am taking Fridays to bike all day and in the winter ski all day!
There's not many women that I can say lets ride to the end Icicle Road and back (60 miles), but I got a text this week from one them saying she could ride whenever.  I immediately threw the idea for Fridays ride out, and without a second thought she was in!  I love it.  M is a great riding partner.  She's a stronger rider than I am, so going out 60 miles with her I know we will keep the pace up.  We both LOVE to ride in the area,  and we love being strong women cyclist.  It was funny but I was thinking on the bike, lately I haven't been able to get in a groove with long runs, and struggling to get in the mindset to do it, but the bike is a whole different story, I love nothing more than having the time to be able to go on a 3 hour plus ride.  I enjoy EVERYTHING about it!

On a little bit of a side note, this is my 5th weekend in a row with Luke.  It has been so nice to have that consistency here.  Parents, I get needing a day to yourself here and there, but when you don't get the choice of when its not quite the same.  When your child's in High School you take whatever time you can get!

Could not wait for this!

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