Monday, February 27, 2012

Gratitude Day 5

Grateful my parents and sister are so involved in my kids life.  They attend ALL performances, concerts, sport events, birthdays, holidays.  You name it!
This weekend the whole family went to Lo's performance of Wizard of the West.   Sunday Gram and Pop took her on a date to Stars on Ice, then Monday night it was man night for Luke, with my Dad and Brother in-law at the Harlem Globe Trotters.
Being a single parent is tough at times to do it all.  But I've got my family and they are always more than willing to step in. 
Normally I drop Lo off at daycare in the mornings before work, but she has strings on Tuesdays, my Mom has made it possible for her to go, by coming from her house in East Wenatchee and taking her before she goes to work.
It's rare that the kids go a day without talking to them.  Same goes for my sister.  She is always willing to pick up or take my kids anywhere they need to be.
Truly grateful for my family!
Lo's biggest fan!

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