Monday, February 6, 2012

Workout Accountability

I don't follow any set plan, for working out, but I do log my workouts in various notebooks.  I like to see miles and hours on paper.
My brother in-law printed my sisters blog (blog2print) at Christmas.  I'm now in the process of doing the same.  My blog has become my online journal, so I have decided to log my workouts for each week here.

Monday 30th-50 minute treadmill intervals, followed with 20 minutes medicine ball
Tuesday 31st- 1 hour 45 minute bike
Wednesday 1st- 3 mile run warm up, 45 minute weights, 1 mile cool down
Thursday 2nd- 6 mile tempo run, 1 hour bike class
Friday 3rd- 2 hour bike ride
Saturday 4th- 28K skate ski- 2 hours
Sunday- 30K skate ski (hills)- 2.5hours

Note: I don't follow a set plan, because I am a single Mom.  I am self employed and lucky to be able to schedule myself a 2 hour window every afternoon, before picking the kids up, this is when most of this happens, or it happens at home on the treadmill, or trainer.


Kristen said...

you are amazing! would you mind sharing what you do with the medicine ball? is that core work?

i'm increasing my treadmill work, but i really need to get some core and upper body work in too.

Jenni said...

I'll see if I can find a sight that has what I do! I went to a PT a few years ago and he gave me some great workouts with the MB, lots of lunges, where you lift the ball, and so on!