Sunday, February 12, 2012

workout 2/6-2/12

This week I ran into a bit of a snafu.  Wednesday started getting a cold, by Thursday night was sicker than a dog!  Cold's happen, and workouts are replaced with rest and fluids!

Monday 6th- 4.5 mile run, best described as pathetic effort, didn't have it in me. 39.54 minutes (8.52 pace)

Tuesday- 1 hour 20 minutes hill intervals on the bike, Skyline, #2 canyon, #1.   1 hour skate ski

Wednesday- plan was run and lift, opted for just 40 minutes of lifting

Thursday- 5.24 mile run (felt much better) 43.55 minutes (8.23 mm pace).  1 hour bike class

Friday- Fluids and Rest

Saturday- 45 minute run,  did not turn on the garmin, ran off of how I was feeling, not distance, kind of nice actually

Sunday-  Planned for a TT workout on the trainer, opted for an easy spin with 1 minute pick ups every 5 minutes, while watching  The Ides of March.  Wasn't much of a workout, but got my legs moving, and great movie!

Feeling a bit better, left with a dry cough.  Likely take it easy the next couple days too.  We have a big ski weekend coming up, and need to be in prime form!

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