Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Ramblings

So much is running around in my head!  Last night I was sitting at Lo's volleyball (after a very long busy day), a moment of clarity came to me.  I was really glad I wasn't missing this moment, my girl was in her Nike capris, and a sequin top having a blast with new 5th and 6th grade friends, I just took it all in.  I realized in this very moment,  that because I am raising my kids on my own, this is what allowed me to not miss that moment.  When Lars and I were together, our household was just as busy, so on a night like that one of us would've dropped Lo off the other made dinner.  There's no one else to drop her off, just me, and I run a few errands then come back and hang out.  Our dinners are later than usual on those nights, but it's all ok.  I am raising her, and while I have to share every other weekend, I am perhaps catching more of her life than ever before.

Rambling #2: King verses Queen.  I have been thinking this one through a lot (this is the stuff I think of running).  I always thought a king bed would be nice, and they are.  There's a downside I am finding (Rick has a king bed), I like to snuggle, the king beds are so big I wake up in a world of my own, not sure if it's for me.  I am loving my bed.   It's so comfy, and piled with lots of pillows and blankets, I love to be all snuggled in my bed, and when Rick stays at my house I can throw my arm out and find him!

Rambling #3:  Independence, I needed that!  I know my future is with Rick, and one day we will live under one roof but for now I needed to live on my own.    I have gained so much from having my own home, changing it the way I want to. I love my home, I do crave downsizing,  but I love my time here and my space.  I went from college, back to my parents for just under a year with  my boy, then moved in with Lars.  I never had that time on my own, to figure out and gain independence as well as confidence in myself.  This has been a beautiful experience!

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