Sunday, July 28, 2013


I needed this long weekend of playing with the kids. One hike I never have to twist their arms on is Lake Clara, it's close to town, short, easy, pretty and there's a lake. If you want a longer hike Marion is just beyond, but my kids are pretty content with Clara, even the Bassett gets to go.
To lazy to edit photos so here you go, a few snippets from today.
My son was hungry from the start, so all he could talk about was a Dusty burger...
Pretty grateful for where my life is, and the people in it. I love my relationship with Rick, and I love that he has his own things to do and it allows me time with just these two. Balance. A selfish thought occurred to me tonight, I love my time with my kids, and I don't mind sharing them with Rick, but yikes how do I put this....I'm kind of glad he doesn't have kids. I of course never ruled out dating a man with children, and did, but I realize how lucky I am.  They are the only ones we have to accommodate to, on that same token, I am very lucky to have found a man willing to be a part of OUR lives.....

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