Wednesday, July 3, 2013

We are Campers!

Camping far exceed all my previous expectations.  I've waited a few days to post on it because I wanted to process all of this.  It was so much more, in so many ways, than a camping trip.
I've shared that in the past I really had no desire to go camping.  Not because I don't like sleeping outside, but because I knew majority, if not all responsibility would fall on me.  Travel by air and hotel is something I am familiar and comfortable with, I was a flight attendant.  I don't stress delays, schedule changes, long lines, lost itineraries, and because of this familiarity I enjoy planning and taking care of all details.  Camping, is pretty foreign to me.  We'd go as a kids but my Dad was the one that had everything packed and set up, I just remember eating well and playing games!
This trip was almost a metaphor of what my life was and what it's now.  I lived with a man that spoke a good talk, said what you wanted to hear, in all the right times and with such charisma you couldn't help but believe it, but the follow through never came.  By the end there was just so much disappointment of words spoken but no actions followed through, such things as going on a camping trip with the kids, seemed like more hassle than fun.
When we arrived to Ohanapecosh, from the get go I just stood back watching and taking it all in feeling things I didn't dare to dream a few years ago.  My heart was so happy.  I watched Rick with such love and admiration.  He is kind, and caring, I already knew this.  He's also a man that makes good on his words, I trust him whole heartedly, without a doubt.  When we moved back our Bend trip to August but had this weekend free for a short getaway, I said I'd camp, but I didn't know how to do it, nor did I want to stress about it.  He took care of all details, as well as hassles, but even more important showed and explained to me everything, essentially empowering me, so I'd feel comfortable.
I haven't said much about this, and perhaps because it's hard for me to wrap my head around.  To watch a man bond with your children, to teach them, interact, and care for them when they are not his own, there are no words to describe it, it's a feeling, one that leaves me with tears in my eyes and my heart full.  Lo was SO excited for this trip, she adores Rick and the two of them have a pretty cute relationship.  My oh so girly girl hopped right out of the truck eager to help in anyway possible.  She and Rick set the tent up, got all sleeping mats out and organized then she was onto learning the right way to start a fire.  I have to say I sat around reading and watching a lot.  The two of them were at the slackline, on logs playing volleyball, playing scrabble, and extra games of go fish all weekend.  Wow, who knew a camping trip would lead to all of this!
It's scary to let go of the past, and all things familiar, but with time I am seeing that sometimes changes happens, while not what you had planned, but perhaps someone had planned, to put you right in the place you were meant to be.....

Some photo highlights:

My favorite girl in the whole word

tent builders

Took all of 5 mintutes

Not only is she my favorite, but also the most beautiful

Up close and personal with Mt. Rainier

On a clear day, it's pretty majestic

This is all fun and games until day 2 of eating like this...

My early riser

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