Friday, July 19, 2013

Monday Can't Come Soon Enough

Well whether I'm ready or not Sunday is fast approaching. Kind of glad I've been busy with work and haven't had time to stress it, but unfortunately the time is coming to be ready!
My bike, the YBG (named by its former owner) You've Been Girled, is looking good. I am running tubular wheels which is a tad scary, but I don't own any clincher race wheels. I'm prepared in case I flat once, could possibly get by if I get a second, but it will be questionable, so really hoping I don't have to deal with any of that.
I have no real race plan because I'm not sure what to expect as to how I will feel. If all goes accordingly it would be to chill on the swim (my very weak, weakest leg) be respectable on the bike, and hopefully feel ok to maintain a slow run pace, they say your time on the run usually ends up being 20% slower than your normal half marathons, quite honestly pretty sure at that point I will be ok with that.
There are two wild cards in all this for me, first nutrition. I have never done an event where you exert so much energy so many different times. I have the marathon nutrition, and biking 200 miles all figured out, but clueless on this. I was texting a friend yesterday that has a few of these under her belt and got some helpful hints. So we'll just hope I don't bonk!
The other wild card is this swim wave start:
See the problem, most wouldn't but for a slow swimmer like myself this bites. I am the women 35-39, the first wave after the pros, three minutes after my wave the men are off, 3 minutes after that more men.....crap. The problem, on a 2000m swim, they are likely going to catch me, swim over, and kick me.....what in the world have I gotten myself into!?!?

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