Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 13

It really is easy to find something to be grateful of each day, today it was as simple as having back up bikes and no mechanical on my ride today. I can change a flat and put a chain back on, which fortunately are typically the only things that really go wrong while biking. However three of my rides in the last two weeks have had major mechanicals. First a link to my chain broke off, was close to my boyfriends work so I walked and got a ride home (nothing bums me out more than setting off on a beautiful day and then not getting to ride), rode my cross bike while that was fixed, next ride on it my shifting cables broke, this time I was a ways out there, but fortunately rigged it to one gear and rode until I met my boyfriends truck, so again rode my cross bike while I waited, Monday took off again on my newly cable bike and the seat post bolt broke, this time my son rescued me.
Today was a beautiful, sunny 50 degree day, took off and all was good. Thoroughly enjoyed every minute if the ride.

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