Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A New Throne

Where once there was a sh*%&er (as we affectionately called it) there is now a bathroom.  Luke's room is almost done,  he's in the process of moving his stuff.  I am so happy with it, and so happy to get the rest of the house organized.  It feels like my very own home.  Kind of ridiculous I know.   I've been a homeowner for the last, almost 14 years, and this is the first time I feel like I have created a home.  It's all mine, mine alone.  I am responsible for the mortgage, taxes, insurance, upkeep, and now my very first project on my own.    I am falling in love with this house, this life, my surroundings more and more everyday.  Two years ago I had to make one of my best friends promise not to let me make any changes, such as packing up and moving to Hawaii for at least a year, and here I am two years later.......This bathroom is a small change, but signifies so much more for the kids and I.

(also thank you R for all your help, as well as your patience in teaching Lo and letting her help along the way)

*warning:before pictures are graphic

The carpet wall

The shower we had closed the door on and NEVER used

Lovely lights, insulation coming through and paneled walls

Viola!  With the exception of Luke's shower curtain, much better

Sad thing is, the nicest bathroom in my house is located in the basement


The Hunter Family said...

I can't believe it's the same space! Looks so good.

kathleen c said...

Congrats on finishing a project! I know extremely well how hard it is to get from start to finish and live in a "construction zone"! It looks fabulous!