Friday, October 19, 2012

Paradise and the Cold

I consider travel above material possessions.  I love time away with my kids with no distractions.  I love exposing them to the world, and making memories!  Logan right now has her sets on being a Broadway performer.  Why not, aim big!!!  I LOVE Broadway, and fell in love with NYC this summer  For her birthday in February the kids and I are heading back for a long weekend to the big apple.  Our plan this time is to hit the TKTS ticket booth each day and totally dedicate this vacation to Broadway (I did tell Luke if  NY Knicks, or Brooklyn Nets are in town we could take in a game)! 

In between that though, in less than 2 months we will be heading to the Big Island for 10 days.....I don't need a lot of reasons to head there, but as Luke gets older, and the realization that he will be working this summer and graduates in 2 1/2 years set in, I want whatever time I can get with him.  I am also having a "bit" of anxiety over Christmas.  It will be the first Christmas in their 15 and 10 years of life I don't get to wake up with them, truly, truly breaks my heart.  Looking over the parenting plan I realized I have 12 days in a row before Christmas with them, can't think of a better way to have them all to myself than in Hawaii!

This is all possible because I have wonderful employees working for me.  I have been truly blessed to have the most amazing gals be barista's at my stand.  I know they won't be working for me forever (but wish they would), and in the almost 10 years of business  I have learned that while  you have hard working, trust worthy people utilize it!

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