Friday, October 26, 2012


This has been busy week.  Work was Busy (with a capital B), and my social calendar was full.  I'd like to talk a bit about all the great events I went to, but I'm afraid I cannot adequatley explain what they were about, or the amazing energy that was felt at each, so I will attach a link and you can check them out for yourself.
First was The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust dinner last Friday, I am very excited to be a part of this organization and look forward to getting the kids out on the trails this spring for the work parties! Check them out at
Wednesday was the LWSC Ski Hill Memorial Auction.  I know I can't do this event justice, to say it was inspiring and heart warming, does not even began to touch on what this community pulled off that night.  Check out LWSC and if you have time read this quick little bit that John Curley wrote about the evening HERE.
Yesterday was the XC districts, I had the opportunity to volunteer, and it couldn't have been a better day.  Poured the day before and raining today, but yesterday the temps were perfect and the sun was out.  Luke's goal was 17:59 and he ran the 3 miles in 17:50, he had a great race and took almost 2 minutes off his time from last year, VERY proud of him!
That night the kids and I attend a RunWenatchee event , where my friend Jane was speaking.  She is an amazing woman and mother, and her passion for the causes she runs for is inspiring.  Please check our her latest event  HERE

A couple shots from Luke's districts!

Last loop!

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