Sunday, March 24, 2013

Family, Friends, Love

How happy I am to have all of this?!  Very!  We spent the weekend having dinners and hanging out with dear friends and the kids.  This is where I am supposed to be in my life,  I know it.  I feel  happy and settled.  I am not, and never have been one that cares to "go out" on the weekends.  I much prefer a casual dinner with friends, with our kids around.  Thank God I've met a man that appreciates the same.  Neither of us drink much, a nice glass of wine here or there, but it's not part of our daily life.  Another welcome change.
It's funny how life evolves, my ex was always "looking" for something else, I was always on edge not knowing what it was.  I look back and can realize how much stress that chaos caused.   Time flew way to fast, and the days weren't as fulfilled as I wanted them to be.  It's funny to think my life is a slower pace now, yet my kids are busier than ever, but it is.  I get to focus on the moment, be present with them, be present with my friends, and take it all in with a greater appreciation.
I don't feel any sense of rush, or need to accomplish the "next step".  I get asked often what's mine and Rick's plan.  We've talked about it, we know where we are going in the next few years.  We are very happy, very much in love and enjoying what we have.  At the same time my priority is my children, and providing a stable home for them .  A place where they want to be, where they are comfortable and know its theirs,  a home.  My son is almost 16 and has endured enough change in the last six years, his Dad moving out, moving back and moving out again.  He deserves some stability, to enjoy a few years without anymore changes.  He will have plenty of those when he's on his own.
I have my kids, and a man I love, but I know now to that doesn't have to be it.  I have room in my heart and time in my days to have friends I love and care about too.  They enrich my life like I never dreamed.  The balance I appreciate now is being able to share them with Rick.  For him to get to experience this with me, feels like life is finally coming full circle.  Just reflecting on a great weekend, and being thankful for all the great people we have in our lives.  I believe because of the past I am able to slow down and appreciate it all now!
Cheers to the inner peace!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So so so happy for you!